He is
Awe-ful – so full of awe that our knees buckle at but a glimpse of your personage.
Art-ful – so full of art that you burst our ability to fully take you in.
Beauty-ful – so full of beauty that Your symmetry, wholeness and nuance explode the boundaries of our aesthetic nature.
Bounti-ful – so full of bounty that eternity is too short to enumerate your gifts to me.
Care-ful – so full of care that You hold all things together by your word, and we, made in your image, do live and move and have our being in You.
Force-ful – so full of force that were it not for your own patience and restraint, we would be consummed.
Grace-ful – so full of grace that we are both amazed and embarrassed by it.
Merci-ful – so full of mercy that we can neither exhaust it nor appreciate it.
Peace-ful – so full of peace that we even experience it in the tempest.
Power-ful – so full of power that courage literally disintegrates when faced with it.
Purpose-ful – so full of purpose that every wrong turn of our free will can be repurposed for good.
Skill-ful – so full of skill that the intricacies of both creation and your plan work in perfect harmony.
Truth-ful – so full of Truth that every deception, half-truth and questionable dual motivation is painfully revealed in its presence.
Wonder-ful – so full of wonder that our minds are both dwarfed and overwhelmed.